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  • Writer's picturemfrench

Packing your Creative Backpack

Getting ready for your trip? Well... one of the first things to think about is your artist's backpack. Here is what I packed...

Watercolor paints:

5 paint brushes-8 round, 10 round, 12 round, a flat, and a detail brush

Micron detail marker


Watercolor crayons

Blackwing pencil

2 trusty watercolor sketchbooks.

I phone

35 mm camera

This little kit kept me busy creating during my travels from sketching to making photo sketchbooks to capturing inspiration on the go and collaging found elements. Everything found a place in this kit and everything was used. So good luck, pack it up and see how creative you can be. Please let me know any special items you pack in your creative backpack.

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Sometimes all we need is an inspiration to get our creative juices flowing. Often times a trip can help make that happen, whether you plan a staycation or a grand adventure, I will help you achieve the vacation you envision. To help inspire, each month, I will send a curated newsletter with tips and topics to help inspire creativity and wanderlust. Join the creative movement and see improved mental wellness results while having a little fun and escape from everyday!

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